When you are running contraband, you often fear being scanned more than a potshot by a weak pirate. So it would make sense to have a tickbox option for the...
I've done various jobs that used to raise my reputation cap with the pirates (e.g. look at the save file from #2091), and _fcap_pirate is indeed up, but my reputation...
When you are in a weak Hyena in Alteris and take on the "A Journey To Arandon" job, the logical course of action under the current rules is to fly...
From time to time, naev gets in a state where the ship will point to any selected planet (for landing) or ship (I select a lot of ships during search...
All I had to do was ship 200t of refugees to Ulios. I had to stopover for refuelling a number of times, but that was no problem since the friendly...
When I first tried this event, I picked a ship with high shield and armour regeneration. It could take on a few capital ships, but not THAT many capital +...
After failing to save Sindbad, I ended up with a standing of -100 for Empire and Dvaered, and -28 for Goddard. Exploring the nebula also got me in bad graces...