Amy J. Ko
Amy J. Ko
We should snapshot chapter text versions in the database. This will have several benefits: * Allow authors to recover text from the past * Allow authors to see what has...
Different authors may want different caching defaults. We could have these be part of a book's configuration and then set them in the headers in `getEdition`.
It currently just lists an object, but should list all possible theme fields.
We currently just increment numbers, but an author might want to be able to give more precise numbers. They are just text, after all.
Firebase provides extremely limited support for customizing authentication emails to prevent spam. It would be nice to have more consistent tone and content.
On the sentence level. Click or tap on a sentence and highlight to comment. These will be stored in localStorage, with a warning that they'll only be saved on the...
We're currently limited to word break separated exact match words. We should support: * Plurals * Phrases that span multiple words * Phrases that span sentence boundaries
How can we support archiving of books? Partner with traditional publishers, libraries, Google Books?
The dictionary approach would be ideal, but we could also do something simpler like a uniqueness heuristic on anything that only appears once, plus a custom dictionary per book to...