Amadeus Maximilian

Results 23 issues of Amadeus Maximilian

I think on Gnome shell the nine-dot-grid icon is a bit of an eye-sore when applying La Capitaine. It is controlled by the actions/view-app-grid-symbolic.svg icon, which I noticed is not...


Hi everyone, [@isomorphic-git/cors-proxy]( depends on `micro`. One of my projects using that package wasn’t working correctly anymore this morning despite there not being any updates to the package itself. I...

I’m creating a template/starter for Gridsome and want the user to control what language their site will be in via a JSON file. I would like to pass this value...

Hi! First of all thank you very much for this extension! It works really well and makes me appreciate trackpad gestures on a whole other level. :blush: I have noticed...

First of all, this is a great project! I love Firefox Focus on my phone and to have a similar experience on the desktop is great. However, one nit-pick I...


I'm not entirely sure if this is within the scope of this icon-set or would be better suited for a custom extension of it, but it would be nice to...

The `rmdir` function in newer versions of Node allows for a `recursive` option that when set to `true` makes the command behave more like a `rm -rf`, which I think...

This is a minor thing, but since I just spent an embarrassingly long amount of time puzzling over it, I figured I’d mention it. The documentation for `fs.writeFile` in the...

While I was refactoring my code to remove *artificial* params in lieu of the 4.1.4 release to write my data to the `history.state` object, I noticed that I can pass...


### Clear and concise description of the problem Installing the PWA on desktop platforms that don’t mask the icon (macOS, Linux), the app looks wrong in the app launcher. Providing...

s: pending triage