My script uses `dipy` to compute an affine transform to register a T1-weighted MR image to the T1 MNI template. The result is an AffineMap object. This object is used...
My laptop (_ASUS ROG Strix Scar II GL504GW-ES012T_ according to the order, keyboard _0xb05-0x1866_ according to `hardinfo`) running Ubuntu 18.04, kernel 5.3.0-45, is mainly for work use so I would...
Just come across this library, I have been looking for this for so long (I remember this effort in Boost This is great. In the documentation I could not...
I'm trying to use [xtensor][1] for defining an image class with extra header information. The example [Structures that embed shape and strides][2] from the documentation page "Extending xtensor" comes very...