Antoine Stevan

Results 175 comments of Antoine Stevan

@phenax the first point should be addressed in [b38e145c]( and the second in [3186fc79]( :yum: EDIT: and a bad typo below :eyes: review can begin :muscle:

Hi @pjvds and @hamensman! :wave: :yum: > I hope this hasn't died. It would be a really cool addition. > this hasn't died :muscle: i'm not quite ready to start...

>Great to read! > still new to the team but i'll try my best :muscle: > Where can we donate? :dollar: > according to the overview of the _GitHub_ repo,...

@Spaxly actually, not really for now :thinking: this issue is marked as `priority:low`, so not at the top of the TODO list :confused: if you would like to see that...

> It would be great if this was bumped up to a more higher priority level. > this is not a bug and a pretty exotic layout, hence the "priority:low"...

> This layout can be played around with using the rgrid code and editing it accordingly, I will start testing this out and will give updates if I can get...

that is an appropriate priority level :yum:

@darkelectron > I think the error message might be too long. How about: > yes you're right :thinking: > If more info is required, like the tmp file path, verbose...

Hi @rsmith31415 :wave: according to the still unmerged PR #32, your issue hasn't been yet addressed. i'll have a look shortly :yum:

if #32 does not update during the week, the PR will be taken down and i'll start working on that :ok_hand: :wink: