Results 12 issues of amrx101

We are going to use this in [mqttwrk]( where in we launch a bunch of `clients`. We plan to have a `Histogram` instance for each connection to measure metrics. After...

Contents of Cargo.toml zstd = "0.4" $cargo build Downloaded zstd-sys v1.4.13+zstd.1.4.3 error: Operation not permitted (os error 1) System info: Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS Cargo version cargo 1.37.0 (9edd08916 2019-08-02) Rust...

Does the crate provide support for PKCS-11 engine? If not what would the steps be for integrating with pkcs11 engine?

--> /home/amit/.cargo/registry/src/ | 911 | const _: [(); 0 - mem::align_of::() % 2] = []; // Assert that the alignment of `Shared` is divisible by 2. | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | =...

``` typ: Alert, version: TLSv1_3, payload: Alert( AlertMessagePayload { level: Fatal, description: InternalError, }, ), }``` ``` We get this error when we try to publish package of large size....

Opinion about using `flate2` for compression. Experiencing low compression factor with existing `libflate` crate.


Are map type supported? { "type": "record", "name": "test", "fields": [ {"name": "a", "type": "long", "default": 42}, {"name": "b", "type": "string"}, {"name": "additional", "type": {"type": "map", "values": "string"}} ] }...


[SampleRate]( Currently the methods allowed are - `SetRelease` - `SetEnvironment` - `SetServerName` A public method for setting the `SampleRate` would be useful. I can take this up. Thanks.

Single bar for total number of messages sent out for an entire test irrespective of number of connections, publishers and messages supplied.

Changes - Incoming Throughput was not calculated. - Update in break logic. I am still looking for a `context(golang)` type stuff to kill spawned task with a timeout in `Tokio`...