Error compiling the library on windows 10 using Cmake g++.exe: error: /MP: No such file or directory
Hi, I tried to compile the library using CMake Mingw32 7.3.0, I lined QT widgets, core, GUI CMake files, and add the audio-processing-module to the folder, configuration and generation done...
Hello, Thank you very much for this project it's very helpful, I want to know the version of Poppler used in this project is it last version 0.73.0?
Hello, I tried to compile the library using QT 5.12.0 with Mingw32 compiler I followed this steps 1 - I open the in release mode and I downloaded the...
Hi, I use POCO MYSQL to select a column from the database contains emoji, mainly I was having an issue getting them but solved after changing the charset from UTF-8...
Hi, First, thank you for this great effort and this project. I compiled the libstreamaudio library and add it to my project and I try to connect to the shoutcast...