I want to add simple serial communication(send mutiple data types) between arduino and node mcu(both using arduino IDE).Is the library supported by both?
so what changes should i make to just pause the print if power goes off(i will be running raspberry pi on battery if no power ) and just get the...
the error message while i do refresh on the sd card files is: **unmarshaled number into go struct response.Free of type int** i use Octopi updated and upgraded to latest...
i installed kivy and checked if all the requirements are met i get this error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.7/runpy.py", line 174, in _run_module_as_main "__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name)...
I was planning to use freertos and tm4c123g but i have already done a project using your library Thank you for sharing this library I am planning to port it...
does this library work on stm32 with arduino ide?
my arduino code: ``` ` #include #include #include #include #include "SoftwareSerial.h" #define WIFI_AP "xxxxxxxxx" #define WIFI_PASSWORD "xxxxxxxxxxxx" #define TOKEN "zzzzzzzzzz" char thingsboardServer[] = "demo.thingsboard.io"; // Initialize the Ethernet client object...
So a new better windows blur will be added to kde plasma 5.3 Can this be implemented in budgie 11? https://phabricator.kde.org/D9848 https://youtu.be/xroL6ZWg2Gs
thank you for making this library and found your post on reddit! I want to know how fast(maximum fast say for a 1.2A stepper motor with a4988 driver) and minimum...
https://github.com/intelligent-agent/toggle is for beaglebone black written in clutter but has a good gui .canb you improve the gui to look something like that?