
Results 9 comments of amrita1983

Hi, Thanks for the reply. I am sharing the data in fastq file reads (for the NEK1 gene sequences that I have extracted from alignment BAM file of the sample)...

Thanks for the reply and initiative. Sorry ,but I didn't see any output in that NEK1_NM1.mem.tar.gz file that you have attached. It has a file called aligns.mem which is empty...

Oh, thanks for the correct file. Here is the command that I am using /bin/SpliceAwareAligner -g chr4.fa -a annotation_NEK1.gtf -s NEK1_NM1.fastq -o asgal/NEK1_NM1_output.mem I have tried the next command

No, SpliceAwareAligner did not return any error in nohup also. I have oe more sample to run with same command that you have used for SpliceAwareAligner. For detectEvents now after...

Sure I will check to change the parameters, thanks for the help. Such a prompt help is really great help for my work. Please check if you can find some...

Can you please send me the command that you are using for SpliceAwareAligner, actually I want to see the command as well as the parameters I want ot change -l...

Hi, I have installed in in my Rstudio, but when I ma giving this command error is coming my.counts

Thank you for the reply, but even though I am changing the path it is not taking it. Also it is showing error for all the other files. All the...

after installing all the dependencies this error is coming Mar 28, 2019 10:50:24 AM runTool INFO: Initializing the model Mar 28, 2019 10:50:26 AM runTool SEVERE: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: data/omim_mode.txt...