
Results 24 comments of Amrita

List of tests suites: - [x] tst_addAccount - [x] tst_checkAlltabs - [x] tst_deletFilesFolders - [x] tst_editFiles - [x] tst_loginLogout - [x] tst_removeAccountConnection - [x] tst_sharing - [x] tst_syncing - [x]...

currently, the GUI test is skipped in the client so shifted to blocked

@kiranparajuli589 if you ask me it was ready to merge PR. But @saw-jan dai suggested not to merge any test scenario for now and leave this PR close for now....

Reoccured again: Scenario failed: - logging out - simple sharing of file and folder by public link with expiration date - simple sharing of file by public link with password...

Not sure if this scenario failed due to this issue or not. `Scenario: try to self-share a file/folder ` Server log: [serverlog.log]( Screenshot ![image](

@SagarGi has added tests related to this issue. I think work from QA team has completed.

> reopening, see [owncloud/ocis#2795]( @individual-it Could we close this issue because has been closed in ocis? [owncloud/ocis#2795]( this ping issue is about **downloading an archive with a non-accessible id**...

Hi, @meltyshev I would be glad if you could review and give your opinion

# Findings: While upgrading behat/mink version we get `Fatal error: Call to a member function open() on null (Behat\Testwork\Call\Exception\FatalThrowableError)` error . Discussed in: Could be related to: ```...