Results 10 comments of amoyiki

you can use `pykafka` instead of `kafka-python` spouts/ ```python from streamparse import Spout from pykafka import KafkaClient class WordSpout(Spout): outputs = ['word'] def initialize(self, stormconf, context): client = KafkaClient(hosts="c1:9092,c1_1:9092,c1_2:9092") topic...

you can see this [How to ssh to localhost without password?](

@dkellner i want to fix this mistake in this week

I have same problem if i used `{"id":"in(\"(10,12\"))"}` raw sql like ``` SELECT ... FROM tabel WHERE = %s [] ``` I used `{"id":"in(\"(10,12)\")"}` raw sql like ``` SELECT...

OK, I know, that documentation example is missing `{"id":"in([10,12])"}` The above can work. Am I right? @dkellner

yes, use `"in([10,12])"` not work, my mistake,sorry

@ReshnaNP i think you can use `where={"or_": [{"id":"__eq__(10)"}, {"id": "__eq__(12)"}]}` instead of **in**

@ReshnaNP `?where={"user_id":[4,5]}` can work you can see [tests/](

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