Albert Mosella-Montoro
Albert Mosella-Montoro
Hi Mys, I'm Dhorka, this is my main account. (I was not able to post with this account because my account was flagged several times, github automated security mechanisms are...
Hi, It seems is not related to cupy... Below you can see the output error of one of the experiments with all the kernels ported to pytorch041: ``` Epoch 166/175...
Sure! I launched one experiment with 0 workers. Tomorrow I will come back with the results.
Well I got some results... to be honest this starts to be weird.... I got the error in the epoch 9 as you can see in the following trace: ```...
Hi Mys, > Thanks for your report. Is the crash reproducible at your side, meaning that if you rerun the training from scratch (the first command line above), will it...
Hi Mys, Done it! [Here]( you can find the file. The code used it to pickle(inputs,targets,GIs,PIS) is this one: `{'inputs': inputs, 'targets': targets, 'GIs': GIs, 'PIs' : PIs}, os.path.join(args.odir, 'inputs_targets_GIs_PIs.pth.tar')`...
Hi Mys, Sorry for didn't answer your last comment. I have a cold and I was not able to check the e-mail. Yes, of course I will try it. Also...
Hi Mys, I tried your fix and it doesn't work :(. On another hand, you are right, with the files that I send to you if I resume using them,...
If I can do anything else do not hesitate to ask :) By the way, on my side I ran several experiments using the sydney dataset without errors...