Andrew Mohrland
Andrew Mohrland
Hi, when running a small example using the `Log` backend, I noticed that the parent ids of child spans are always the trace id, instead of that of their parents....
Port of #496, #497
[KAYAK-1398] This is a first pass for low-hanging `blocking` fruit. [KAYAK-1398]:
Related to [KAYAK-1398] and #514. Shift to blocking pool inside async ~callback~ callback _caller_ (is there a name for this?). Untested, hence draft; will want to revisit. The motivation is...
ConsumerAndProducerApiSpec frequently hangs during GH workflow build
Trying out use of testcontainers for tests against Kafka and Schema Registry. Also, convert scalatest tests to munit.
- Upgrade to avro4s 4.0.4 - Deprecate old and introduce new registry methods