Punchline: The error occurs in 1263 of the class imageData in > self.exptime = hdulist[0].header['EXPTIME'] Changing this to >self.exptime = header['EXPTIME'] Fixes the issue. I'm assuming this was just...
What would the best way be to get the subcomponents from model plot as arrays? I see how to get them as separate plots, but I would like to just...
Currently getting convolved, which leads to dark regions at the boundaries when the background is significantly non zeros. Presumably because the region outside the image is being treated as having...
Based on fitting to point sources and allowing the webbpsf parameters to vary, it appears that the MIRI PSF jitter_sigma parameter is about a factor of 10 higher than the...
It would be nice to get a quick alert if any of the parameters for the PSO are initialized outside of the parameter bounds.