Android-Debug-Database icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Android-Debug-Database copied to clipboard

A library for debugging android databases and shared preferences - Make Debugging Great Again

Results 90 Android-Debug-Database issues
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Update build tools to the latest version 3.5.2 break library functionality. Downgrading to 3.4.0 solves the problem. ![Screenshot from 2019-11-28 15-45-12]( When some table is clicked, "Query executed successfully" message...

com.amitshekhar.debug.DebugDBInitProvider: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int' on a null object reference at at at at at$H.handleMessage( at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage( at android.os.Looper.loop( at

Hi , When I use order by clause it is not showing desired result ,But correct data is shown after UI table column sorting. ![db]( ![db2]( Thank you for useful...

Library should provide consumer Proguard rules. Our QA builds are shrinked but still use utilities such as this one. I didn't pinpoint which rules are required specifically and just use...

Great lib for developer.

Since download and delete button is next to each other, i sometimes misclick download into delete. It will be better if you have a prompt to confirm delete of database

setCustomDatabaseFiles is no working I customized the database file path,When I connect the phone with usb, open localhost:8080, and I set the setCustomDatabaseFiles() method, I found that the reflection is...

Is there any way i could debug realm database with this library because i dont see my realm database in browser. I can only see shared preferences .