Android-Debug-Database icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Android-Debug-Database copied to clipboard

A library for debugging android databases and shared preferences - Make Debugging Great Again

Results 90 Android-Debug-Database issues
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I want to know, how to use the encryption library in Ormlite. Is it possible?

Currently when clicking download button only the file with `.db`can be downloaded which is not enough. This PR will compress all DB files the name started with xxx.db to a...

I saved small png as byte array to the database but now in web UI it will only show `{blob}`. If not, I want to download DB file and open...

Join query doesn't show all the fields in two tables, also it would be nice if query text field is more than 1 row Os : Ubuntu 18.04 Android Studio

I tried on a Flutter project. ![issue](

It would be more better and more convenient if there would be option to set column as date and convert the timestamp value into easy-readable format

This is a cool library to check datasbe. But when using with Room i was seeing this log in my logcat. ``` 2019-05-27 04:46:06.569 3634-3691/com.test E/SQLiteLog: (5) statement aborts at...

Url generated in log i.e. Connect device via adb usb and sharing common wifi network Still only dummy text appear This paragraph contains a lot of lines in the...

the database is taking too much time to load on the browser. How to optimise the loading speed on web ?

My application has a pre-populated DB with just over 30 thousand tuples, while running the application is giving the following stack trace: `FATAL EXCEPTION: Thread-3 Process:, PID: 23359 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:...