Amit Bhoraniya
Amit Bhoraniya
For data driven scenario when retry.count is used, then it retries for the passed testcases also. **Step To Reproduce** ``` SCENARIO: SampleTest META-DATA: {"description":"Sample Test Scenario","groups":["SMOKE"],"dataFile":"resources/testdata.xls","sheetName":"datasheet"} COMMENT: '${recId}' Given login...
For locator arguments in BDD scenario currently it display locator key in report, it should display locator description for more readability. Currently its like ``` click on '' ``` If...
In kwd scenarios currently it displays stepname in resport instead of formatted description. For example, ``` SCENARIO|GoogleSearch|{"description":"Search Google","groups":["P1","SMOKE"]} get|[""]| sendKeys|["qmetry",""]| click|[""]| verifyLinkWithPartialTextPresent|["qmetry"]| END|| ``` Currently steps displays in report is...
I have extended checkstyle-checks for Gherkin language(.feature). I am able to scan my files using checkstyle-cli and checkstyle-eclipse plugin. Then I tried to extend it for sonar-checkstyle and able add...
I want to parse raml and want to create client call. I am not sure end user will use it with version V08 or V10 raml format. Now for both...