Amir Saffari
Amir Saffari
Hi Daniel, - `numRandomTests`: Yes, it's the number of features to be randomly chosen at each node - `numProjectionFeatures`: In this implementation, I use hyperplanes to split the data. The...
Yes, epochs is the number of times it goes through the entire dataset. If you're referring to full-batch as offline training where the learner has access to all dataset at...
Hi Yi! Thanks. Would you be able to make a pull request that I can check.
I believe you need to look for `getpid` in your platform and check which header has it. This is unrelated to eigen and libconfig. Alternatively, remove the getpid() from that...
I think the linker is not able to find libconfig. Make sure that you install the correct version of the libconfig .
Hi, I didn't implement saving and loading for it. However, you could either - append the two sets together, test them, and split the predictions subsequently to measure performance on...
If the Eigen library is not in the normal include paths, then find where it's installed on your machine and append the directory to the Makefile at ``` INCLUDEPATH =...
A quick question: where do you pass the new `memory` object created? I tried passing it to the `initialize_agent` but still run to the same problem reported above.
@ajndkr It resulted in the same. I tried also: ``` agent = initialize_agent( tools, llm, agent="conversational-react-description", agent_kwargs={'memory': ConversationBufferWindowMemory(memory_key="chat_history", output_key="output")}, verbose=True, return_intermediate_steps=True, ) ``` I suspect one needs to get it...
For now, calling `agent` directly (i.e., not using `run` which bypasses the check throwing the exception) seem to work even without a new `memory` object.