Amir Kadivar

Results 6 issues of Amir Kadivar

## Current State Looking at the GAD RE data as used in the [BioBert paper][biobert] and [linked][gad-drive] to in this repo, I can't find any way of making sense of...

We have the following dependencies that are really unnecessary and just introduce maintainance problems: - git (could be a `package`) - vim (could be a `package`) - curl (could be...

In f98ea22 I cleaned up the `nginx` recipe and got rid of a bunch of attributes like `extension_block_list` and the like. Nginx minitests still contain tests on these attributes and...

Having used the current organization of the cookbook, that is attributes names and organization, and division of responsibilities between recipes, it seems necessary to take a stab at making the...

The [drush cookbook]( we are currently using is very small (20 loc). It should be merged with `deploy-drupal` and removed from dependencies.

Currently we run "drush si" `only_if DRUSH_STATUS_CMD`: ``` bash drush status --fields=db-status | grep Connected | wc -l | xargs test 0 -eq ``` This needs to be refind. Currently,...