Thank you @jakubmisek Yes, this explanation is quite clear.
Apparently this feature does not work. This feature in both cases(means 0,1), it is possible to download and install the plugin and theme. PeachPied.WordPress 5.8.2-preview12 .netcore 5
yes, forexample I download and install `Twenty Fifteen` theme, and set as my theme. (same for Elementor, but it seems some problem with Elementor in both WPDOTNET HOTPLUG Enabled or...
I am new to ubuntu and docker I have encountered a similar problem and I was given a 502 error when calling the site. After I restart the server, it...
Thanks for your reply @natowi I want to use it for 3D scanning of industrial piece. I am looking for the design of a 3D handy scanning device(like [Shining 3D...
thank you @natowi