Amina Kurbidaeva
Amina Kurbidaeva
The contents of the x_query.delta_filter.coords file: ``` NUCMER [S1] [E1] [S2] [E2] [LEN 1] [LEN 2] [% IDY] [LEN R] [LEN Q] [COV R] [COV Q] [FRM] [TAGS] 20704938 20708279...
Yes, that makes sense. The file is very small - 288 bytes. It should normally be several Mb for a genome of similar size. I wonder if this is...
Better, but still not great. Is this because of the missing data? Are there other parameters I can tweak?
I used an output from pairtools. The input nodups.pairs file is analogous to merged_nodups.txt and contains the following fields: `readID chrom1 pos1 chrom2 pos2 strand1 strand2 pair_type` Can you please...
Can you please provide the column names in your file?
Oops. Thanks for clarification. I was trying to compare two balancing methods by viewing two .cool files generated by HiCExplorer and Cooler. Can you recommend how do I view/compare two...