
Results 99 issues of amiltonwong

Hi, @art-programmer , @chenliu-wustl , When I performance inference step, `python --dataFolder=/media/root/WDdata/dataset/ScanNet --task=predict_cluster_write --split=val` I got the following error ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 219,...

Hi, @art-programmer , @chenliu-wustl As in data preparation step, "scannetv2-labels.combined.tsv" is needed. Where could I download it? I only could find old version one [scannet-labels.combined.tsv]( THX!

Hi, @yanx27 , Thanks for releasing such useful package. As mentioned in the original paper, another dataset Semantic3D is also evaluated. Would you provide the dataloader code for Semantic3D dataset...

Hi, @yanx27 , After training the model for ModelNet40 with `--AS` option, I got the following testing result for ModelNet40 with noise: [log.txt]( It's strange that `Evaluation with 1 Noisy...

Hi, @elliottd, Currently, my system has two GPUs, if I want to train the GroundedTranslation system using both of two GPUs, what further commands or setting should I perform? THX~

Hi, @szagoruyko , Could the author's code use in image-based place recognition scenario? THX~

Hi, @gordicaleksa, Thanks for providing such great tutorial. I came across pycairo error when building the virtual env based on the provided environment.yml. The error is as follows: ``` Pip...

Hi, @ranahanocka, According to the script [](, the file `noisy_guitar.ply` is needed. However, the provided [data]( doesn't contain the file noisy_guitar.ply. Could you upload the file `noisy_guitar.ply`? Thanks~

Hi, all, Would someone start using another framework such as caffe2 to re-implement Mask RCNN? As the original implementation used caffe2, according to [this](

Hi, authors, I got error when I compile the fps code by commands: `sh` Here is the error log: ``` tf_sampling.cpp:6:42: fatal error: tensorflow/core/framework/op.h: No such file or directory...