Thank you. Could we just make it all `Async` return and call `Asyn.Start`?
Thanks for the tip!
When are there going to be public links to the WebAssembly SDK builds?
Maybe, but it should not hang anyway. It should handle it more gracefully specially considering that the code is not targeted for JavaScript but for regular .Net.
Oh I should clarify. It hangs after responding to the alert message, after closing the dialog. It remains in a loop somewhere in the Wasm code.
`WithAttrs` seems to me like a very useful function to add attributes to an element defined with another function. It makes it composable. In fact, I think something similar existed...
Thanks for looking into it. I appreciate it. What I really meant to say is: not adding an attribute to an existing Elt but creating another Elt instance with the...
An alternative is to be able to provide a default value ``` LensInto default id (fun s n -> n) k ```
That would be great if it could be solved. Thanks for the workaround, one question: does it cause some memory leakage by creating new attributes every time the button is...