hi please make it possible to change sidebar $group name from a config file. like: Users -- User -- Roles & Permissions `public static $group = 'Users';` thanks
File: roles.php Key: permissions Languages: All (except en)
Make Singular Label and Plural Label Translatable ``` $this->singularLabel = Str::singular($this->name); $this->pluralLabel = Str::plural($this->name); ``` suggest: ``` $this->singularLabel = $resource::singularLabel(); or $this->singularLabel = __(Str::singular($this->name)); ```
hi can you make all fields translatable? "Command/Job | Description | Schedule | Expression | Next Run At | Without Overlapping | On One Server | Run In Maintenance Mode...
Hi Please support multi language. __("Log Viewer")
I'd love to be able to toggle/switch a field from index or details and form view.
a quick fix for "eminiarts/nova-tabs" issue
can not find the field in tabs "eminiarts/nova-tabs" in options controller $field returns null ``` $field = $fields->findFieldByAttribute($attribute); ```
#### (optional) Issue number: #### Summary of the change: fade effect has a bug when fast click on buttons like Delete