ggmice copied to clipboard
Visualize incomplete and imputed data with the R package `ggmice`
So `imp$predictorMatrix` is plotted, potentially with `imp$method`
``` r library(ggmice) library(mice) #> Warning: package 'mice' was built under R version 4.3.1 #> #> Attaching package: 'mice' #> The following objects are masked from 'package:ggmice': #> #> bwplot,...
Resolves #133. It may be useful to mention this in the documentation
Hey, Hanne! I created a `ggplot2` version of the `mice` density diagnostic plots for a paper I am writing. When I thought about using `ggmice` I had already dedicated quite...
version 1. visualization based on plot_pattern code
Add plot_groups.R as supposed in #60 which might be serve as a starting point for #66. Note: this function was largely inspired by the `plot_cor()` function that was already part...
gerko's new var plot idea
This is still an advantage of `mice::stripplot(imp)` over the `ggmice` solution