Adrian Mejia

Results 25 issues of Adrian Mejia

Links to demo are not working 😭

``` > [email protected] install /Users/admejiar/Code/lockhart/lar/node_modules/x509 > node-gyp rebuild CXX(target) Release/ warning: include path for stdlibc++ headers not found; pass '-std=libc++' on the command line to use the libc++ standard library...

after `npm i`, I get: ``` ERROR in ./public/app/bootstrap.js Module build failed: Error: eslint-config-bullhorn/rules/best-practices: Configuration for rule "no-labels" is invalid: Value "2,[object Object]" has more items than allowed. Referenced from:...

## Description I'm using npm 6.9.0 and np is still complaining: ![image]( ## Steps to reproduce 1. np 2. 3. ## Expected behavior Go through since my npm is up...

A common use case is to empty the cart after the checkout process has been completed. I see that I can use `ngCart.empty()` for that. However, I don't see any...

Using node 12 and gulp 3. That combination does not work: ``` $ npm run build > kickstart@ build /Users/admejiar/Code/tmp/ampstart > gulp build fs.js:27 const { Math, Object }...

Inventory support by product variant. E.g. sizes (S, M, L) and colors (black, white, blue, green)


For purchase history for each user: Use orders filtered by current user. Admin should be able to see everything.


Internationalization and localization to translate and localize all content for the world.


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