S. Panchenko
S. Panchenko
Similar issue: the difference between two identical branches gives a non-empty result (i.e. gives last commit). How to disable this behavior?
Hi. I see similar behavior (Jenkins 2.186, Gitlab Plugin 1.5.13, GitLab CE 12.2.5, Groovy-pipeline, Merge method: **Merge commit**): ```java $class: 'GitLabPushTrigger', branchFilterType: 'All', triggerOnPush: false, triggerOnMergeRequest: true, triggerOnAcceptedMergeRequest: true, triggerOpenMergeRequestOnPush:...
bind:rw:\\.\UNC\LOCALHOST\c$ path does not work, docker.errors.APIError: 500 Server Error for (...) (EXTRA string=is not a valid Windows path)'")
Checked the plugin on WSL2 and it's a no-go there too. It keeps defaulting to the regular Conan executable instead of the WSL one.