Aaron McGinn
Aaron McGinn
# Issue Description In the [README](https://github.com/cerner/terra-core/blob/main/packages/terra-dropdown-button/README.md) for the terra-dropdown-button, the 'Documentation' link directs to a 404: https://engineering.cerner.com/terra-ui/components/terra-dropdown-button/dropdown-button/dropdown-button It may be intended to direct here instead: https://engineering.cerner.com/terra-ui/components/cerner-terra-core-docs/dropdown-button/about ## Additional Context /...
Currently, the Common Issues page only has references to the DSTU2 resources. Some of the information provided is also no longer applicable when apps consume the R4 resources (i.e. Condition...
Currently, the site just mentions "Edge" as a supported browser. This should be more explicit that only Edge on chromium is supported and not the legacy Edge.
A note should be added that searching by person will not return encounter relationships (nor vice versa).
While SMART launch apps should be using the information in context to determine the FHIR server location, system apps typically are given the tenant ID to associate per domain in...
The R4 DocumentReference update action requires the 'id' value to be passed in, but the documentation does not mention its requiredness.
A common question is how to see logs when the app is embedded and the browser console is not accessible. It would be beneficial to add this to an FAQ...
The tutorial page [1] has a link under the launch-smart-sandbox.html description that points to a URL [2] that errors when loaded. When loading the main SMART Health IT site, the...
This updates the link from a DSTU2-specific location to the overview page for all of the Millennium-specific implementation documentation. I wasn't sure of the wording "Provider and Patient Facing Apps,"...