### What is the problem you're trying to solve? I have set the Stylelint config to remove duplicate CSS properties and values as below. ``` "declaration-block-no-duplicate-properties": [ true, { "ignore":...
[stackoverfflow]( ` `
Detailed explanation [](url)
I am customizing this date-picker as per the requirement. Most of it I have achieved it. If you give me direction, It will be great. (Expected ) In above Image...
After installation either globally or locally none of the deadfile commands works even version commands.
I have configured husky, git hook, and lint-staged together. My Huskey and Git hooks are configured correctly. I am reusing npm commands from My package.json as below. I need guidance...
Lot's of people still use .js over .jsx . It would be great if we can use this plugin for .js files also.