Aman Priyadarshi
Aman Priyadarshi
grpc compiler is not respecting filename suffix and extension passed to flatc CLI. This causes compiler to spit out incorrect code, which then cannot be compiled without modification. Following patch...
This issue will track all things that we need to list/document out in GitHub wiki page regarding Atom. - [x] Coding Guidelines - [x] Setup Build Environment? - [x] Building...
Following should be mapped in uncached or at least write back marked pages to decrease latency - [ ] VBE _Note: need to complete this list_
Followed by the issue #36 - [x] VFS Model - [ ] Wiki Doc - [x] Generic FileSystem and Device Mounting - [ ] Testing
A window application that could trace kernel actions would be helpful to debug kernel time to time.
Buffer can be more 4 MB or very much less than 4 MB so we have to take care of size before updating the main buffer. ``` //File: public...
Compiling small method as inline function could save cpu time in fetching address and jumping to the label. So, A Inline attribute that would tell the compiler that this method...
As reported by one of the user, Build is failing on version Error: ```UnImplemented Blt_Un```
Need to setup a basic landing page which links to wiki pages and points to this repository.
We can either approach to [Cairo]( which is really a good graphics library and widely used, Or we can either make any existing C# graphics library to work on Atomix...