
Results 8 issues of amandazw

![000008_0]( here is my result, we can see the pic's background is blurred,and the result is not good,any idea to improve it? many thx.

通过opencv3.4或者opencv4.0加载所有的caffe模型都会直接异常退出,请问这是什么问题呢? 退出信息: Process finished with exit code -1073741819 (0xC0000005)

Hi~MhLiao, I tried loading the model using opencv and following error showed: Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:/work/video/TextBoxes++/TextBoxes++/", line 31, in density = net.forward() cv2.error: OpenCV(4.0.0) C:\projects\opencv-python\opencv\modules\dnn\src\layers\prior_box_layer.cpp:242: error: (-215:Assertion...

ocrModelOpencv = os.path.join(pwd,"models","ocr.pb") 请问这个ocr.pb在哪里呢?

When I got these two datasets,I found that some of the pictures are the same.So I was wondering are they the same?Or just part of the picture in MPV are...

Hi! I'm appreciate for the author‘s efforts. And i try the test, the cloth try on is nice,but the person's face is not good. ![00000012_02_1]( ![00000020_06_7]( ![00000026_05_7]( It seems like...

from .pse import pse_cpp, get_points, get_num ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'post_processing.pse' how can i fix this problem? thx!