Amanda Johnston

Results 85 comments of Amanda Johnston

Thanks for the feature request! Can you give more info on your use case? Also just want to clarify that if this feature is added, it will be in at...

Thanks for the details 👍 Your examples make sense. I've talked this over some with the team, and one consideration brought up is the usability concern around an open `ion-select`...

Hi everyone, and thanks for the issue! I can confirm that this is still a problem on the latest version of Ionic, and likely applies to all components that make...

Thanks for the issue. I'm able to replicate this in core using the following HTML: ``` ```

Thanks for the issue! The extra padding with both a `tab-bar` and an open keyboard have been resolved via and the fix will be available in a future release...

Thanks for the issue, I'm able to replicate this. When you set an attribute to an array in React, it gets parsed as comma-separated strings: ![rendered markup]( This is causing...

I discovered that this issue likely extends to any component that can take arrays for their `value`s. For example, this also applies to the upcoming `multiple` feature for `ion-datetime`. The...

Thanks, and apologies for the delayed response. I'm able to replicate this. If you initialize `date` to the 31st (`public date = "2022-03-31T15:00:00";`), you don't have to change your system...

I know this has been up for a while, but I just wanted to say I think it would be a great feature. Notably for restoring a previously downloaded backup,...

+1, this makes the export feature not very useful.