Alexey Makhrov

Results 15 issues of Alexey Makhrov

Fixes > Call a function when observable completes or errors > ... will call a specified function when the source terminates on complete or error. The specified function **will...

It happens in a few places, e.g. Note that `string | unknown` evaluates to just `unknown` - which likely defeats the purpose of the type annotation. Looks like in...

The library provides the standard unwrapper ( This unwrapper assumes a particular format of a wrapped action. However, there is no standard wrapper compatible with this unwrapper. One has to...

Use case: `value: [{min_length: 10}]` When this validation fails it just returns `'TOO_LONG'` error code. However, quite often we need to show the user how many characters are actually expected....


### Which @ngrx/* package(s) are relevant/related to the feature request? component-store, entity, router-store, store ### Information The packages have a bunch of run-time warnings, guarded by Angular's `isDevMode()` check. While...

Community guidelines: - [x] I have read and understand the [contributing guidelines]( and [code of conduct]( This PR contains: - [ ] bugfix - [ ] feature - [ ]...

Imaging I have the following data: ``` javascript { items: [1, 2, 3] } ``` Then I init my view model: ``` javascript var vm = ko.mapping.fromJS(data); ko.applyBindings(vm); ``` I...

### Which @angular/* package(s) are the source of the bug? Don't known / other ### Is this a regression? No ### Description We have `zone-error` imported in our project. It...

area: zones

### Version 12.2.3 ### Steps to reproduce I have a project with `@angular-builders/jest`. When running `yarn install` I'm getting the following message (I guess it's more of a warning rather...

Bug Report
Needs Triage