Abhijit Mahabal

Results 12 issues of Abhijit Mahabal

Left and Right arrow keys go to the previous/next move, but it will be useful to enter variations as well. Possible key suggestions: * down key enters first non-mainline variation....


In the documentation, https://argdown.org/guide/adding-images.html#using-tags-to-add-images shows how images can be added to nodes. There, we actually do see the images. In my workflow, they don't work. So I tried it at...

Currently, there is a way to inspect history. When the --history flag is passed in, we drop into a python interpreter that can show a few things. It would be...


The history is only as good as it records things faithfully. Currently, a few events get added to the history, but there are more things that we can do with...


Currently, passing in --history, we drop into a python shell where we can poke around. At this point, the full history is available, and thus one may in principle to...


The left pane only shows the input problems, and to get any sort of stats, one needs to click it. Would be nicer to make that a tad more informative.


Currently, when saving an LTM, the last state within current run is saved. It would be better to be able to push only the salient items and edges out instead...


Keep adding tests, so that we know that the code there works (although we cannot of course test that the documentation that goes with it produces that code...). I should...

This would not occur in a "normal" app where routine codelets are continually being added, but I hit this in Bongard. Currently, there is a single codelet that is added...

For instance, the batch mode execution with the pie charts and histograms showing will be useful to someone looking at the docs but not running the system.
