screenshoter copied to clipboard
IDEA plugin to make code screenshots
Or capture the filename tab for currently open file
Support Right Margin more than 100
See the image below, which I directly copy-pasted from IntelliJ into GitHub. I have the "chop indentation" option checked, so I would not expect to have a blank space of...
First off, thank you for creating an awesome tool. When using this tool in Goland 2020.1.3 (not sure what Idea version is under the hood), font ligatures are automatically turned...
E.g. An alternative option is `org.apache.xmlgraphics.image.writer.ImageWriterUtil.saveAsPNG(image, DPI, outfile)` AFAIK: 1) HiDPI PNGs have 144 DPI by default 2) Default resolution is 72 DPI I think it would be great...
It would be really nice to hide all inspection warning/error underlines as well as typo and informational underlines from a screenshot.
I make all whitespace characters visible when I code, but I'd like to hide them all when capturing a screen shot.
I'd like to have an option to include gutter in screenshot. It can be useful in many case, but my case - capture suspend functions calls. 
My expectation is that I should be able to capture the rich detail of in-editor hover assists, menus and intentions. This is not working for me.
The default command mapping is already taken in Mac using the Mac OS X 10.5+ keymap. It's mapped to `Refactor -> Extract -> Type Alias` and also `Plug-ins -> Kotlin...