Stanislav Krasnoyarov
Stanislav Krasnoyarov
Reproduces on my HTC Desire C, OS: 4.0.3
Calling `suinput_write(inputfd, EV_SYN, SYN_REPORT, 0);` after `ret=suinput_press(inputfd,code); and ret=suinput_release(inputfd,code);` fixes the issue for me
The build I installed from Google Play was "touch and play", but the one I built myself has that spot. I'm going to investigate that next weekend.
Ok, this one was tougher. According to propbit INPUT_PROP_DIRECT should be set explicitly. This could be done in suinput_open with: ``` if (ioctl(uinput_fd, UI_SET_PROPBIT, INPUT_PROP_DIRECT) == -1) goto err;...
Most likely ioctl line returns error. I think you can safely remove return value check here.
I'd leave just: ``` ioctl(uinput_fd, UI_SET_PROPBIT, INPUT_PROP_DIRECT) ``` You are welcome :)
I think this is the issue. If it finds 'Killed' word anywhere in the dump it thinks that it's about the uiautomator process ``` onlyKilledRE = re.compile('[\n\S]*Killed[\n\r\S]*', re.MULTILINE) if
It's not a uiautomator issue. The regex '[\n\S]_Killed[\n\r\S]_' fires every time there's a word 'Killed' in an xml. Fixed that for myself replacing regex with 'Killed$'.
Here you are: #184