
Results 6 comments of özgür

@akaihola I'm not directly using extend_api but implementing an almost identical approach. Following is my code: ```py3 # sample endpoint code, endpoints1.py from service.api.views import auth as auth_endpoints ... __all__...

@xsduan Each new connection to sqlite with :memory: database creates its own database, distinct from the others, that is removed upon disconnect. Haven't tried the gist yet but may this...

@NathanaelA > Android I can console.log("Memory used: ", gmu() ); gc(); console.log("Now used:", gmu()); Could you clearify what gmu is? I'm having a hard time tracking where the memory usage...

https://dev.iyzipay.com/tr/odeme-formu/odeme-formu-sonucu mentions CheckoutFormAuth, but no such class exists. checkout_form_auth = iyzipay.CheckoutFormAuth()

For dp, there seems to be an error in calculation. The divisor should be screen density instead of pixel ratio. https://github.com/CoderUni/responsive_sizer/blob/main/lib/src/extension.dart#L63 https://material.io/design/layout/pixel-density.html#pixel-density-on-android And for sp it seems the same screen...

Well, apparenly @felte/validator* only does a validation to check if the data complies. A simple workaround would be to re-apply the ```schema.parse``` to values as shown below: ```ts const {form}...