Robert A Moeser
Robert A Moeser
I am delighted to find this excellent project. In delta5node.ino it looks like there is a hard-coded i2cSlaveAddress. This is used for wire initialization, it is also printed for our...
I am experimenting with the Delta5 concept and I observe that the RSSI from my receiver achieves a maximum output with the transmitter some distnace away - there is nothing...
hi Clément! I was looking at your CUBE module, just to see how it works. Soon enough I had to make a DODE.cpp dodecahedron renderer. Works well enough. I did...
I was astonished to see that I have > 500 projects, the bulk of which may be as useful as Kleenex and worthy of expungement. I would wholesale destroy them...
This project [This project]( has a wire I have tried several times to fix. The wire from resistor dDR1 to Vdd. Moving it does not light up the "save" button...
Any sense I made of using the millis() compare A and B mechanism seemed to need an additional ISR, in fact it did not work until I added the following...
I am happy to find what I went looking for, namely the rotary encoder done on a general timer interrupt. I didn't see that the pushbutton enjoyed the same "attention",...