Eirik Mikkelsen

Results 44 comments of Eirik Mikkelsen

Correct. And is seems like both Somali (`so`) and Tigrinya (`ti`) is part of [639-1](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes). Ref. [this policy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_639-1) for ISO-639-1... > New ISO 639-1 codes are not added if an...

@ivarne Thanks, seems like you're right. I must say that this method makes little sense to me: 1. It only verifies that a string consists of two letters, not that...

Agree. In addition, [Changed handling of custom logo](https://blog.gitea.io/2022/07/gitea-1.17.0-is-released/#-changed-handling-of-custom-logo-18542httpsgithubcomgo-giteagiteapull18542) might mean we can drop (or should modify) some of [our custom templates](https://github.com/Altinn/altinn-studio/tree/master/src/studio/src/repositories/gitea-data/gitea/templates).

@tjololo @RonnyB71 Based on the breaking changes we've identified in Gitea, I'm not very worried, and I would suggest that we should go forward with the Gitea upgrade without "bundling"...

> Dogged have limited functions for interacting with remote. Primary concern is related to user identity. @SandGrainOne Since Dogged is just a thin wrapper around libgit2, and LibGit2Sharp is a...

@SandGrainOne Have we considered using [BigInteger](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.numerics.biginteger?view=net-6.0) for handling the unlimited XSD integer-types?

Yes, seems like you're correct. Also, seems like this will not be included in .NET 7. https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/60780 @mirkoSekulic Should we consider creating a [custom converter](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/serialization/system-text-json/converters-how-to) for BigInteger?

Could the required converter code for both JSON and XML serialization be opt-in and part of [app-lib-dotnet](https://github.com/Altinn/app-lib-dotnet)? //cc: @tjololo

It's failing runtime now for very large numbers (if I understand it correctly), and then failing compile-time sounds like an improvement :-P

Her må vi avklare det med sikkerhet før implementasjon. Ideelt sett så burde nok token som identifiserer bruker flyte til APIet i app, at brukerflaten hos Skatteetaten oppfører seg som...