
Results 22 comments of PéCé

Hi @DylanKas, I understand why the WHERE has disappeared, this is limitation of IN operator in query builder. But I don't understand why the LEFT JOIN part is removed too....

Hi @sicarionox ! `delete` action has been specifically removed from embedded lists (see https://github.com/alterphp/EasyAdminExtensionBundle/blob/master/src/Resources/views/default/embedded_list.html.twig#L73). It's due to the implementation of `delete` action as a form. Embedded list are often inserted...

Hi @BigMichi1 ! Fixed labels are translated following EasyAdmin mixed implementations (`EasyAdminBundle` catalog domain and overridable `messages`)... It's not perfect, but how would it be better without BC break ?...

Hi @Naroh091 ! I try to ping @gonzakpo on this one. I think this is a side effect of the upgrade but I can't reproduce it.

@Naroh091 There is no problem when not using `create` option ?

Hi @McLone ! Empty arrays are ignored by dynamic filtered queries. This is a known limitation, and I prefer not to try to work around this. Which case are trying...

This has been fixed in the 2.x branch of EasyAdminExtension. If you can't use it, please PR the fixes to 1.x branch and I will merge them.

Hi @Bloodysunset, This bundle brings a role-based security layer, and every action might be "protected" by requiring a specific role. For autocomplete, I did not want to define a specific...

> Hello PéCé, > > While I 100% understand your point, my client doesn't. He will tell me that his collaborators should only be able to filter specifics listings (with...

Keep it open, and mention it in the PR when you will be able to work on it ! I'm glad to gain a new contributor ;-)