
Results 40 comments of Jingchao


Vote for this pull requests. When you must dealing with many `zz_generated_xxx`, the exclusion features will helps you a lot.

@alexmt Maybe I should commit code to master? instead of a hotfix patch to released branch? I thinks some upstream code has modified via some PR. eg. https://github.com/argoproj/gitops-engine/pull/353 https://github.com/argoproj/gitops-engine/pull/337 ....

@jessesuen Thanks for your patient reply. I managed huge clusters of Kubernetes(70+ cluster, which some the the clusters has more then 10k nodes). In namespace mode(about 100+ namespaces). After starting,...

The `clusterCache.EnsureSycned` holds the `c.lock`, and `sync()` in the `EnsureSynced()` will accquire `listSemaphore`. And the `watchEvents() goroutine in sync()` will accquire semaphore first, then lock the `c.lock` in `RunSynced`. so...

@brglng 东方破 plum 工作机制就是将整个 Git Repo clone 到 plum/package 目录下面,然后将其中 yaml 文件取出到 Rime root 目录。

@brglng 另外,可以考虑将官方的 flypy / flypyplus 制作成两个 plum,然后你这个 Repo 就可以通过 ``` ./plum/rime-install xxx/flypy ./plum/rime-install brglng/rime-xhup ``` 快速安装。

Hello, any progress?