Hi, I think the better idea is to define a list of parameters like Map and before storing in database use method like "json_encode" to convert that list to string,...
when you call setLooping method, we set the loop option of vlc. it might be an issue with vlc.
Can you provide the RTSP stream url?
Yea, it's implemented in the example app.
You can comment that lines of library to see if the problem goes away or not.
how did you implement the fullscreen feature? it's a bit tricky, that's why we didn't implement that in example app.
in vlc library the buffering event is called all the times even when the video is playing and seek position is changing, so i guess you cannot use that option...
i'll check LibVLC to see if the buffering state can be separated from other events or not.
Do all file names have valid UTF-8 format?
in android 11, accessing the file outside of application scope is not permitted. Check this: [https://developer.android.com/about/versions/11/privacy/storage](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/11/privacy/storage)