I tried to run the provided Colab notebook. In this step: ``` from online_scd.model import SCDModel from online_scd.streaming import StreamingDecoder model = SCDModel.load_from_checkpoint("online_speaker_change_detector/test/sample_model/checkpoints/epoch=102.ckpt") ``` I am getting this error: ```...
Most of the time diarization predicts there are more speakers than there actually are in the recording. Can we somehow specify the number of speakers and model classifies audio chunks...
Removes parallel lines that contain either one or both sides empty
Hi, I'm trying to perform document classification with Hindi language. I want to use BERT models that are adapted to Hindi and Indian languages like [muril-base-cased]( and [muril-large-cased]( In order...
I was just running through the to get the SCT running. I am stuck in step 4 running the debug script. Running on mac, Python 3.6 where polyglotdb (0.0.2)...
I need to get the phonetic transcriptions of words that are in my dictionary with the same phoneme set used in the pho files. I am working with the **mb-es1**...