Mike Alfa
Mike Alfa
I totally agree with opinion, that `vrouter` better then `go_router`. Just now I creating a new application and had experiments with both of them and approach of `vrouter` seems like...
Hi, @dtvtkien. Unfortunately - for now, the only thing, that can be done to solve this issue - is a rename `onError` hook of `Frontend` mixin. I give advice to...
Hello @dtvtkien! With the v2 of `isolator`, all conflicts were gone. Use for your pleasure!
Hi @fufylev! A big thanks for your feedback. Really appreciate it! I will update the example project this weekend and trigger you.
I fully agree with @nimloth05 and see no objective reason why switching to the new API for creating custom repositories can be justified. De-facto, Nest.js has become the modern standard...
Hi @SocDean ! Is this problem still present? And is it really related to the **nest-transact**? What would you see if you will remove `... extends TransactionFor`?
Hi @KrishnaBhattad. I couldn't get my hands on it in the next month to month and a half; However, you can make a PR, and I'll gladly accept it if...
Hello @tsaqifrazin1, please, try the updated version `9.1.1`
Hey @tsaqifrazin1! It seems that you did not use `TransactionFor`\` method `.withTransaction`. U just call ```ts return await this.categoryService.getCategories({}); ``` instead of ```ts return await this.categoryService.withTransaction(manager).getCategories({}); ```
Hey @Fusix. I have very limited resources at the moment and cannot deal with the problem. If you can solve this issue with a PR, I will accept it. That...