I'm running into this same issue. I'm running in a server/headless environment. Linux myhostname 3.13.0-46-generic #77-Ubuntu SMP Mon Mar 2 18:23:39 UTC 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux Distributor ID: Ubuntu...
Hi. I ran that command. it doesn't finish with the
oops. my bad. I didn't realize I missed that part. It does complete successfully and does create the two files. ``` # openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -x509 -days 3652.5 -nodes...
Here is the relevant section of that output ``` 14933 pts/0 S 0:00 | \_ -su 14947 pts/0 S+ 0:00 | \_ apt-get install btsync 14953 pts/0 Z+ 0:00 |...
I ran this command to monitor the system calls of a process "strace -p $pid -s 1024" and got this output: ``` clone(child_stack=0, flags=CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID|CLONE_CHILD_SETTID|SIGCHLD, child_tidptr=0x7f8944426a10) = 22413 close(5) = 0...