The user agent reported by pyvo v1.1 when performing an anonymous TAP query is: > python-pyvo/1.1 while instead when I perform an authenticated query the user agent is set to:...
The following ADQL query: `SELECT top 20 t_min, obs_publisher_did, access_url FROM ivoa.ObsCore WHERE proposal_id like '072.C-0488%' AND t_min >= (SELECT t_min FROM ivoa.ObsCore WHERE obs_publisher_did = 'ivo://' ) ORDER BY...
According to TAP1.1, I set the ivoa.ObsCore s_region field in TAP_SCHEMA.columns as follows: - datatype=”char” - arraysize=”*” - xtype=”adql:REGION” When querying with a constraint like: INTERSECTS(s_region,...)=1 , the ADQL Parser...
Hi Grégory, Depending on the output format selected, a job could still run after having reached the executionDuration limit. This can cause stress to the database server, hence we are...
A query like: SELECT this.*, RA2000, DEC2000 from VVV_MPHOT_Ks_V2 as this, VVV_CAT_V2 as source_catalog where this.SOURCEID = source_catalog.SOURCEID ORDER BY this.SOURCEID fails because the ORDER BY contains a dot; the...
The following query: SELECT top 10 a.dec2000, b.dec2000 FROM ph3_mcatalog_fits_V2 a, ph3_mcatalog_fits_V2 b WHERE a.dec2000 between b.dec2000 -0.1 and b.dec2000 + 0.1 and b.ra2000 > a.ra2000 and b.ra2000 < a.ra2000+0.1...
LOW PRIORITY I have a UWS job in PENDING status; If I change the destruction date to a future date, the system works as expected. If I change the destruction...
Apparently the UNION operator is not supported by your grammar. Would it be possible to add it? Thanks, Alberto
If I issue a query containing a CASE statement I get an error. Example: SELECT top 10 CASE WHEN calib_level = 2 THEN 'default' ELSE 'higher_level' END as level FROM...
Hi Bernie, I noticed that the is_clockwise() function will return False (hence CCW) for both these two polygons: A: (0, 0) (90, 0) (180, 0) (270, 0) (360=0, 0) and...