
Results 8 issues of almaz010891

### Description RecyclerVIewActions.actionOnItem incorrect PerformExceprionCause when matched 0 or more than 1 item ### Steps to Reproduce RecyclerView have more than 1 item with matcher, for example: `onView(withId(, click()))` If...

### Preconditions: - RecyclerView.itemsCount = 1 - Recyclerview have item with 2 TextViews and each TextView have text "Test" ### Steps to Reproduce run code `onView(withId("Test")), click()))` ### Expected Results...

Also reproduce with .neutralColor/.positiveColor and etc. library version 1.3.2 Code sample: ``` public static void actionBar(Activity activity, String text, String actionText, CafeBarCallback cafeBarCallback){ CafeBar.builder(activity) .content(text) .to(activity.findViewById( .floating(true) .fitSystemWindow() .buttonColor(R.color.color_yellow) .neutralText(actionText)...

Скриншоты в отчета аллюра визуально занимают много места. Было бы неплохо, чтобы для метода deviceScreenshot("screenshot_name") и FailshotRule была возможность указывать максимальный размер скриншота в пикселах (например, по длинной стороне). В...


## Description I am mobile QA, so I need to intercept requests only from remote devices. But now I can't configure rule for this case ## Why this feature/change is...


## Description Add badge for request/response which indicates that some actions was doing with this response: - Map Local - Map remote - Scripting - .... all current/next features which...


Main purpose: to pay additional attention for long time requests execution using colored/bold text for Time column ![Untitled](


Example ``` step("step 1"){ softly { // do some checks } } ``` after migration to allure-kotlin method softly { } is not available. What alternative for this method?

type:new feature