
Results 6 issues of allworldg

When the floating window appear by trigger , it is great . But if I use `toggle_key` to close and open again , the window will be shifted . ![image](


## Bug report(问题描述) vue-element-admin里的图片无法显示,gitee-cdn貌似又出问题了? #### Steps to reproduce(问题复现步骤) ![image](

请问是否有可能将`Editor Only` 的功能添加到`open content` 上,实现`open content`未选中时,单击是打开content,再次点击则关闭content,类似于IDEA其他windows按钮那样。 感谢大佬的插件。

### Describe the feature When I use `:PackerSnapshotRollback` to rollback , it's so silent . I don't know whether the rollback is over or not . Maybe print some message...


I have read #258 and #770. Create a `autocmd` or set `region_check_events` to cancel the "session" is great. But if I create a big snippet, I think `region_check_events` cannot solve...