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You have to set this NGINX_SERVER_EXTRA_CONF_FILEPATH to some location existing inside the container. This means, you may have to mount it to the container as well. Eg : If you...
Hello team, any specific version , this will get merged into ? We are also looking forward for this
Got it. Do you think it is worth making that prefix / the whole header name as a configurable parameter ?
@jangaraj : Do you think the pull request i just made will suffice ?
Hello, Any update on this ?
it is actually here.. if (_propertyTypes[property.type.toLowerCase()]) { -- > cannot find it in propoertyTypes _this.propertyNames.push(propertyName); propertyConstructor = $injector.get(_propertyTypes[property.type.toLowerCase()]); return propertyConstructor(propertyName, property)); } else { return $log.warn('no such type defined...
Ahh, it is not just the warning , but none of my custom models data is been loaded - actually the resources are not been called at all.. there is...
no warnings in the console.. and the factories are available..
I think the to lowerCase call also has some thing to do ? The model names confirm to the PascalCase and it is not very complex .. makes me wonder
Following up by changing the toLowerCase call in two places there .. i hit another wall Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: StringPropertyProvider