
Results 7 comments of Alexandre

After some testing on my end, it turns out Cloudflare Web3 Gateway can only be edited through their new Web3 Gateway API (and the token needs a new `web3-gateway:write` role)....

I'm using: > All zones - **Web3 Hostnames:Edit**, **Zone:Read**, **DNS:Edit** I haven't tried removing the **DNS:Edit** permission, it might be required (but I'm keeping it anyways as I'm still using...

According to [RFC 7515 Sections 3]( > In both serializations, the JWS Protected Header, JWS Payload, and JWS Signature are base64url encoded, since JSON lacks a way to directly represent...

It appears `base64.urlsafe_b64encode` also pads with `=` at the end, and cannot decode content if it's missing, so that wouldn't work.

@Kludex Do you have any thoughts on the PR I submitted for this issue?

Oh right ! I forgot goddamn google. I was worried for a moment :smile: Thank you for your quick answer

> [...] in practice, the only handler that is likely to set the `preload` option is the one you wrote yourself, i.e. here... > > ```js > export const handle...